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[Grains of Well-being]



Well-being can be achieved little by little. And with a bread made with 100% natural ingredients like Nutrella's, this can be the beginning.

With this in mind, we created the concept “Well-being grain by grain” and to communicate it, we created a series of animations that, like the brand's breads, are a grain of well-being for those who watch them.

Take advantage of this time in the middle of your busy schedule and watch these “Grains of Well-being”.

At: Energy BBDO / My Role: Creative, Art Direction and Design / With: Henrique Castilho, Thony Fernandes, Romero Cavalcanti and Alexandre 'Rato' Pagano / Film Direction: Gustavo Michelucci / Illustration: Rentz / Animation Direction: Feitosa / Production Company: Estúdio Dead Pixel / Audio: Audiomaníacos

[︎︎︎] [Film] [Home Office]

[︎︎︎] [Film] [Stretching]

[︎︎︎] [Film] [The Office]

[︎︎︎] [Film] [Stamp]

[︎︎︎] [Film] [0.5x Speed]

[︎︎︎] [Film] [Smokes]