[Creamy Delivery]
Brazilians have a strong inclination towards superstitions, particularly when it involves football. Therefore, during the 2022 FIFA™ World Cup Group Stage Draw, we opted to provide a small boost to our fans and players by sending our initial opponents some unfortunate gifts, including a broken mirror, an open umbrella, and a left foot slipper.
Company: Africa Creative DDB / Role: Creative, Art Direction and Design / With: Bruno Antunes, Rodrigo Bonfim, Tiago Daltro, Henrique Martins, Rodrigo Pirim, Marcelo Bruzzesi, Felipe Cury, Raphael Quatrocci and Sergio Gordilho / Film Direction: Marcelo Vidal / Still: Rodrigo Pirim / Production: SquarePixel Film / Audio: Pingado Audio